
Antimicrobial Stewardship Program

UCLA Sepsis


UCLA Surgical Quality & Patient Safety
The Society for Healthcare Improvement Professionals
March 6, 2023
Founded in 2011, the Society for Healthcare Improvement Professionals (SHIP) is a dynamic community of practitioners sharing advancements, innovations and applications of performance improvement, Lean and Six Sigma practices in healthcare. SHIP’s mission is to provide a forum to promote best practices and to support those working to help healthcare organizations become more efficient, and to improve service delivery at all levels of the organization.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the presentations.
Quality Management Services: Quality and Patient Safety

1. Looking at what we do each day for opportunities to do things more efficiently and effectively both clinically and operationally.
2. Ensuring we provide the best care and service to every patient, every time.
3. Working as a team towards perfect care (direct and indirect patient care providers).
SHIP Meeting Materials:
S1.Aligning Efforts Throughout the Care Continuum
S2.Cultivating a Culture of Data Driven Improvement
S3. MultiDisciplinary PAC Collaborative
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S.4b Leveraging Technology for Follow Up phone call to patients
S5.Extensivist Program. High Risk and Super Utilizer Patients
Spotlight on Unplanned Readmissions